OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative is a civic tech non-profit organization duly registered in 2017 under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to embark on policy-related engagements and interventions, especially in the legislative space that expand the frontiers for good governance and deepen democratic practice(s).
The core mission of OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative is to use civic tech to amplify the voices and participation of the under-served and under-represented groups in the leadership and decision-making process to promote inclusion. In this regard, OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative has designed, developed and deployed two novel two civic tech applications:
(1) ConsTrack – for projects and budget implementation tracking; and
(2) RemTrack – for citizen engagement and tracking transparency and accountability issues in extractives.
OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative is a frontline actor in the thematic areas of Public Finance Management (PFM); Extractives transparency; and Governance Service Delivery; as well as Gender and Social Inclusion. We are a member of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Nigeria; and key player in the implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Nigeria.
OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative was founded by Oke Epia who serves as Executive Director. He leads an innovative and versatile team of ten (10) staff members and five (5) volunteers to conceive, design and implement projects under the guidance and support of the Advisory Board.
Rt. Hon. Ali Ahmad is a former Speaker of the Kwara State House of Assembly and former Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Judiciary,
Ambassador Toyo is a renowned Development Expert who has previously served as Nigeria’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Member of the House of Representatives.
Mr. Kolawole is a consummate journalist, public opinion influencer and publisher. A former Editor of ThisDay Newspaper, he has decades of experience in practice
Ms Agbo is a former Editorial Director and Editor of Leadership Newspaper. She has consummate experience in media and advocacy.
Mr. Abubakar is a renowned broadcaster and media guru with decades of practice experience.
Mr. Amarere is the Managing Director, News Services of DAAR Communications, owners of AIT and Raypower. He has been involved in civil society advocacy aside many years of media experience
Mr. Epia is the Executive Director of OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative and Secretary of the Advisory Board. He has many years of practice experience in public policy advisory, communications and media relations.